Saturday, January 14, 2012

Shall We Begin?

Tis true, I've been dreaming of an, ironically, white Martin Luther King day three-day weekend.  There's been so few sledding opportunities. And my dream has come true.  But before I bundle up against the chill, warding off the snot fountains of myself and my brood, I thought I'd offer some observations about the current state of things.

First, in our McLuhan and Chomsky Walk into a Bar (TM) segment,  pay attention to this Colbert/South Carolina thing. It's real-time political satire, and is informative about the corrupt stupidity of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision last year.  Remember how you didn't seem get how it would impact our political realities?  Beloved Colbert will spell it out for you, with the help of his lawyer.

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Next, on The National Front (TM), remember this week as the week the President laid the "better government/smaller government" trap for the Republican frauds among us.  Wait for a dozen or so other announcements like this that will leave all the racists who pretend to hate him for non-racist reasons mumbling incoherently.

Meanwhile, Here in Our Beloved Clevelandia (TM),  The corruption trial has begun.  So far I've heard very little about how the county Democratic Party was the slushfund/bagman in the process, but I think I hear the jingle of a newly-minted Masonic Coyne in someone's pocket.