Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Well, we know its a Business vs. Labor contest, now.

Sincere congrats to the winning candidates in yesterday's primary election in Clevelandia.  Are you sure you know what you're getting into, fellas?

Now, this campaign evolves  You've got the county corruption/county reform thing. You've got the national mood.  Cuyahoga, the poster child for entrenched political corruption, bureaucratic dysfunction, sacred ground, defiled. Race. Ethical campaign financing. Clean water. The County Executive is a Big Deal.  So, it's time to talk honestly about government.

Right here.

These are my ten questions for the candidates:

1.  This entire new charter government thing can be described as a three step process:  first, is the transition. second, is the new council and executive and row offices, third, is the charter review; the ongoing "look in the mirror" designed to gauge the effectiveness of our new government.  Please briefly describe your concerns about each step.

2.  If the county prosecutor should step down, what role, by law, would you have in selecting a replacement?  What caucuses would you consult?  And what of the role of County Prosecutor in the new charter?  Does the omni-presence of the prosecutor in the process (including funding streams to indigent defense) raise concerns?

3.  Talk about the Constitution

5.  Talk about R.E.M.'s song Cuyahoga, and its impact on your political or moral philosophy?

5.  Role of the ombudsman/public servant/public steward?

6. When loading a dish washer, do you put silverware pointing up or pointing down? Defend this practice.

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